Still at pre-Inflation Prices!
Welcome to the Home of the
Original Apple Baker,
Cupper Coffee Carafe,
Everything Cup, Shot Pot &
Glazed Rocks
Hand-Crafted Kitchen Solutions
The Original Apple Baker offers hand-crafted, ceramic kitchen products that make quick and healthy foods easy:
The Original Apple Baker is a beautiful and functional solution to making the perfect baked apple. The unique ceramic columns result in a quick and perfect bake that takes less time than baking on a flat pan.
The Cupper Carafe is uniquely designed to fit most 12-cup coffee makers and keeps your coffee warm longer when not on the hot plate, while being safe to reheat in a microwave.
Upland Design is a line of custom ordered bowls, vases, cups, lamp bases, spoon holders, and more, decorated with glazing inspired by the mountains, streams, and ponds of Maine.
What's New!
Introducing my new product line....
A Rock by itself is a simple thing, But each rock tells a simple story in a complex way.
A glazed rock presents different way to see what earth has to offer: a community of layers of different composition and colors; a cross section of closely settled types displayed in single pebble form of a much larger origin. They are harmony at the mineral level.
Rocks are a canvas formed & framed by nature, found, glazed, decorated and fired by a potter, presented as 21st century post-neolithic Art
The new line includes:
Ponder Rocks and Glazed Rock Sculptures
Four decades
Master Potter Scott Currie made the first Apple Baker in 1979, a year after he founded Christian Ridge Pottery in the basement of an historic barn that had been renovated into a mime Theater in South Paris, Maine.
Since, his apple bakers have become a staple in the kitchens of thousands of people around the world and have evolved into other, creative kitchen solutions.
Our philosophy embodies values around environmental sustainability both in the design of products and in the production of our products and sourcing of our materials.
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What our Customers Say
"I received a pair of apple bakers for Christmas and just love them! Will be experimenting with varieties of apples and recipes. By the way, I used a bit of sherry as the liquid in my apple concoction yesterday and it was delicious. I’ll be ordering these in the future for gifts for many occasions."
Jan H., Lompoc, CA
"Last week I received my order of 6 berry bowls (we’ve been giving them as gifts all year) and a set of apple bakers. I didn’t have a chance to try the apply bakers until late this afternoon and they were a tremendous success. You have to understand that you were up against stiff competition. - My mom makes outstanding apple pie with home made crust that everyone loves, but her biggest fan is my 8 a½ year old son. Despite years of being spoiled with Nana’s apple pie, he went absolutely crazy for the baked apples. A new tradition has been born! Lucky me, as the apple bakers are so easy but the pie is so much work! Thanks."
Colleen B., VA